Crapfic #7: The Flames of Death: A Malorn AshThorn Story by Nikaya, Chapter 9

Jesus Christ, this chapter is even more boring than the last one, save for some more creepiness at the end. It’s mostly filler! What the damn Hell am I supposed to do with FILLER, other than point out that it’s just FILLER? I asked Skep what I should do, and he said it was tough, that I could maybe cut some of the text and summarise what happened so I could get to an easier part, but I can’t do that because I want you guys to see the whole thing in all its stupid glory, so I apologise if there are some long stretches where I go without saying anything, or some strained remarks, but I’ll try my best. OWNRDAS! First chapter here, previous chapter here.

Chapter Nine: The Intensity

What the fuck is this, Seinfeld? What’s up with every chapter beginning with the word “The”?

“Malorn…? Malorn…? Wake up…” I heard my name before feeling a softness on my cheek.


(Fun fact, I accidentally made that all caps. It was much funnier, but a wee bit strong.)

I opened my eyes, seeing Nicole sitting up in bed next to me.

She looked so beautiful in her night time attire…but it was light out.

Shit.” I rolled over to face the wall, covering my face with the blanket. It was early.

Thank you Captain Obvious.

And we had to get up.

“Good morning to you too, Mr. Grumpy.” Nicole giggled and gave me a small shove. “Come on, you have to take me to lessons in an hour.”

I groaned. Then I heard Nicole whisper to Chester. My eyes popped open.

Chester landed on my head above the blanket and gripped edge where my head was. He flew forward and over the bed, taking the blanket with him. I was lying in bed, curled up in my boxers, freezing my freakin’ ass off.

Minor cursing?

I glared daggers at Chester.

“Don’t be mad at him; I told him to,” Nicole said, happily. “Now up you get!”

And there’s the thing about Fire School kids. They’re morning people.

Cute headcanon. Where’d you get it, the Wizard101 Fanfic Cliché Emporium?

“I hate you…” I grumbled.

“Love you too!” she said cheerily.

“I know,” I said with a wink.

*Later that morning…*

“Ready to leave yet?” I called up to Nicole. I was waiting at the bottom of the steps.

“Ready!” she called. I turned around.

She was dressed in a long, red gown that went straight to her feet. She glided down the stairs. I believe it was called, “Bellow’s Robe of Courtesy.” And her hat remained “Brady’s Solar Cowl” designed.

I was so stunned, I didn’t even comment at first. “You look great.”

You should be used to this by now, Malorn.

“Thank you… Aren’t you going to change?”


“Well, we kind of need to blend in here, so I brought clothes from every world, just in case.”

“Oh…” Crap.

“That’s alright my boy,” Mr. Coleman said, calling me from the top of the stairs. I have something for you as well.

When I came back downstairs, I was dressed in, “Marvelous Shroud.” I had to change my signature hat to “Feline’s Somber Hat.”

These are all real clothes, by the way, you can look for them at the Bazaar.

“Not bad,” Nicole said with a judging look. I blushed. “Come on, I’m gonna be late!” She grabbed my arm and pulled me out the door.

Nicole carried her staff in one hand, and looped free arm in mine. We walked together swiftly but calmly through the streets of the city. I could tell Nicole loved it by the way she beamed.

Yes, the constant threat of being snatched up by an O’Leary and turned over to Malistaire just makes me melt inside.

“And here we are,” I told her. The guards opened the gate and led her inside. I turned to leave with a smile on my face.

“Wait!” Nicole came running back out and kissed my cheek. She winked at me and ran back inside.

My head spun.

Mine too. I think I’m gonna be sick.

When I got back to the apartment, I greeted Mr. Coleman and started heading up the stairs.

“Forgetting something?” he mused. I came back down the stairs and felt like punching myself. He was holding a bag of envelopes. “First day on the job!” he said cheerily.


“Every day I’ll give you a bag like this big one here. Once you deliver all of them for the day, you’re done. Do them at your own pace.”

“That’s it?”

“Well there’s quite a lot of letters in there. And it’s about quarter to ten now. I expect you’ll be done by around one thirty. Nicole’s lessons end at two, so best to hurry up!”

Well, he didn’t know my secret weapon.

I stepped outside and whistled for Kalohae. He appeared in a mist of skulls.

“Mist of Skulls”. Sounds like some shitty emo band. Then again, so does “Flames of Death”.

“Alright, man. Let’s get through these letters.”

*Four hours later…*

“Oh my god…” Kalohae and I sat down on a park bench. “How many more?” I dug through the bag. There were about 20 left. “What time is it?” I looked at Big Ben. It was quarter to two. “Shit! Shit-shit-shit!”


I jumped on Kalohae and flew as fast as I could to Barkingham Palace. When I got there, Nicole was waiting for me.

It took him fifteen minutes to get from one part of Regent’s Square to Barkingham Palace? I can run all over the damn place in less than that, even without a mount.

“I’m sorry! How long were you standing there?”

“About ten seconds. Right on time.” She smiled at me. I wiped my forehead. Then I held out my hand to her and helped her onto Kalohae. He protested with a grunt out of sheer exhaustion. “Quiet you,” I hissed.

“So how were your lessons?” I asked, leading Kalohae back to the apartment.


“Doesn’t sound like it.”

“Well, the thing is, my instructor taught me a new fire spell… But she also asked me about the vision I had.”

“How did she know?”

“She said she talked to Professor Ambrose about me. And she knows that I have other powers I can unlock.” She put air-quotes around “other.”


I squinted my eyes. I wasn’t so sure if I liked this. I knew I had other powers too. But I didn’t know if unlocking them was the best idea in the Spiral.

“Do you trust her?” I asked.

“She knows Professor Ambrose. I have to.”

“Then do what she thinks is best. If unlocking these powers means protecting yourself from my father, then do it.”

Then it hit me.

She has powers to unlock. So do I. My dad fought her dad…

Since when?!

I shook it off. I didn’t want to scare her.

What? What’s happening? You may think you’re being mysterious, but you’re being just plain vague. Here’s the difference. With mysteriousness: The readers already have a sneaking suspicion or two of what’s going to happen next. With this: I have absolutely no idea. None.

“Thanks Malorn.” She hugged me tighter. I kissed her head.

When we got back to the apartment, she was ready to head upstairs.

“Coming?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I was about to follow when Andy eyed me. “Actually, I’ll meet you up there in a bit. I promised Mr. Coleman I’d get some groceries for him at the market.”

Nicole smiled at me. “Okay, see you soon.”

I heaved a sigh.

And so, out we went…again.

*The next morning…*

Nicole and I were riding Kalohae to Barkingham Palace, and I wanted to ask her about our dads. Maybe there was a connection to our powers.

But then she smiled at me.

And I knew I couldn’t do anything to let that smile go.


So I smiled back and dropped her off. She kissed me on her way, and away she went.

Four months had now gone by, and finally, I was learning a better way with going about the mail route. Before I’d leave, I’d sort all the damn letters and deliver them according to wear people lived and I’d be done by one.

As for Nicole, she learned more and more about her visions, and her instructor told her to force herself to have a vision once every lesson. She was now at the point where she could have them at will. I never asked her what they were about because it was the same thing every time, and she’d always tell me immediately after the lesson anyway.

“It happened again,” she told me, getting onto Kalohae.

The vision was the same every time.

That’s not “having another vision”. That’s just remembering.

Only in the beginning it was just voices. Now there were some blurry images.

The two of us would scream, and have to run as fast as we could. She’d hear me yelling to her, “Don’t look back!” And then it would end.

“I figured that.” I said.

But as dark as these times were, it was relaxing for us.

Since we were finished so early in the day, we did so much together.

Some nights we’d go to the park again and lay in the grass, watching the stars. Sometimes we went to the theater to see a play. Other times we went to the museum. A lot of the time we’d go out to dinner as well. And the other times we’d eat dinner with the Colemans.

Because this is so fucking relevant to the plot.

And no matter where we were, who we were with, and how late it was, she’d always make me smile.

She came up with this poking game, so whenever she wanted to tell me she was having a good time, or wanted a kiss, she’d poke me. Then I started doing it to her… And I took a little advantage of it.

Please don’t mean what I think you mean….

But every night, we’d always lie in bed next to each other, watching each other to see who fell asleep first.

I loved watching her sleep.

Because you are a stalker.

She always looked so peaceful…so happy…so beautiful. I loved every minute of it.

And tonight, was a very different night.

It was a mid-winter evening with snow on the ground and flurries in the air. We strolled through the park together holding hands. We kissed in the snow and had a great time. When we got back, the Colemans and Chester were asleep, so I made some hot chocolate for us and we snuggled by the fireplace.

When it was time for bed, we got dressed and I was surprised that Nicole wasn’t wearing a sweatshirt because it was so cold out. She caught me eyeing her. “I wanted to get cozy with you.”

“That’s fine by me.”

We crawled into bed together and I pulled her close to me. I lay on my side with her on her side with her back against my bare chest. She was still wearing a t-shirt of course.

“I love you.”

She had said it to me before, but the intensity of this moment between us was chilling.

“I love you too,” I replied softly.

What I didn’t expect is what happened next.

She turned over, and started kissing me. But this time, it was different. It was rougher and fiercer…with a new kind of fire.

I pulled her closer, holding her around her waist as she kissed my lips harder and traced her hands all along my face.

*mother voice* And just what do you kids think you’re doing?!

I felt one of her hands tug at her own shirt as the bottom, but I stopped her with my hand.

I pulled away for a second and looked into her eyes.

“It’s just a shirt,” she said, quietly. “And I’m not taking it off.” I let her move it just a small bit out of the way, to reveal her mid-torso. “Just a little…step up?” she said it so meekly that I almost had to laugh.

SHE’S THIRTEEN. The only “step up” you guys should be taking is kissing in front of other people.

“If that’s what you want, then that’s what you’ll get,” I replied. “I just want you to tell me what you want.” She smiled at me, shyly. Then I realized what was still wrong. “You have a beautiful body.” I felt her relax in my arms, and then we stopped kissing, but I pulled her close.

We stayed like that, wrapped in each other’s arms the whole night.


Continue reading.


Some inconsistencies I had missed until now

I’ve been rereading my MSTs of The Flames of Death: A Malorn AshThorn Story, and I’m finding things I’ve missed before.

1. You explained in the second chapter that you had a sister. Then suddenly in the sixth chapter Cole was your brother, and in the seventh you had forgotten all about your sister…?

2. Over a year has passed from chapter 1 to chapter 8. That explains Nicole turning thirteen. But why hasn’t Malorn turned sixteen yet?

3. Malorn didn’t even know Earth existed when Nicole was explaining her past. But then he asked her why she wasn’t going to Hogwarts instead. How could he know about Hogwarts if he didn’t even know about Earth?

4. The postal office where Andrew Coleman works is all the way on the other side of Regent’s Square. And yet she writes it as if it were only a few doors away. There is indeed a post office right near the Abbey, but it is the one where George Dowgate works.

5. In chapter 10 you guys had to run, and you realised you were living Nicole’s vision when she said ‘Don’t look back’. But in chapter 9, you said her vision was always the same, and that she said she could hear you yelling to her ‘Don’t look back’.

I can’t think of anything else right now, but I’ll add things when I see them. How about you? Is there anything you’ve seen that I’ve missed?


Crapfic #7: The Flames of Death: A Malorn AshThorn Story by Nikaya, Chapter 8

Hey guys, sorry I haven’t updated in a long time, but this chapter is just so fucking boring I didn’t even know what to say about most of it. It’s pretty much just them wandering around Marleybone at night and him telling us how perfect she is and how great he feels around her and how much he loves her and basically just the usual shit. First chapter here, previous chapter here. !SDRAWNO

Hey everyone!

Be sure to check out my twitter profile to know when I’ll be posting! That’ll be my main method of telling everyone when to expect a new chapter.

Nobody cares.

Also, good news is that I’m getting out about one chapter a week or every two weeks, which is good now, considering how I used to be. XP

Well that’s shot to Hell, now she’s right back to how I assume she “used to be”.

Also, check out my friend embraceofwings! He’s a great writer and his story is really interesting even if you haven’t read the books. I haven’t and I love it so far! So please help him get started, review a chapter and thanks for reading!

Promoting a friend’s work in your own, trés unprofessional. You could at least have put it on your profile.

Chapter Eight: The Quiet

I held Nicole’s hand as I finally felt my feet touch the floor. We stumbled but quickly recovered. I looked around and saw that we were in a large chapel, dimly lit with stain glass windows and rows of pews. I pushed open the huge wooden doors, and there was a Marleybone guard at the entrance. Nicole walked along next to me when I introduced us.

If he’s been here before, then he would already know that the Spiral Door is in Wolfminster Abbey. And Private Kinchley is inside the Abbey.

“Private Kinchley,” I said with a curt nod. He nodded back.

“How ya doing?” he replied in a deep tone as we followed him to the apartment. He’d grown gray with strain from being so active with the new war going on.

“Not so hot… You know the story don’t you?”

“You mean the story about how this girl”—Private Kinchley looked at Nicole with disdain—“turned our own story upside down by making herself the center of everything, destroying your pleasant personality, somehow blaming Sylvia’s death—which deeply upset Malistaire, due to this one little detail that he loved her very much—on Malistaire, and managing to make you related to the Drakes, Falmea, and Greyrose all at once?”

He sighed. “Yeah… I meant otherwise, I suppose. How’s mother?”

“She’s well, thank you. She says hello.” I had known Private Kinchley since I was little. I always said hi to him when I visited Marleybone and he knew my mom…well, Dalia, since they were young. As we talked, Nicole just looked around, stunned at the big city.

“Here we are,” he said, stopping at a door. He knocked twice. In a few seconds, none other than Andrew Coleman opened the door, removing his glasses.

How, if Ambrose is the only one who knew Coleman, would you know it was him?

“Good day! Good day! Hello Malorn, my boy!” He greeted me with a hug and shook Private’s hand vigorously. “My, you’ve grown!” He stepped back and examined Nicole. “Why hello there,” he said, taking her hand. “You must be the Nicole I’ve heard so much about.”

And how would he already know who you are, and have heard so much about Nicole?

“Yes! Nice to meet you!” she said, sweet as always.


“Thank you very much Private. I’ll be seeing you,” he said with a smile. Private Kinchley gave us both a nod and a small smile, shutting the door behind him.

“Well now…certainly you have bags, no?” he asked. Nicole and I glanced at each other.

“Sir, we were told to only carry what we could on our backs,” I said for us.

“Well that’s no problem at all! Let me show you to your room!”

“Thank you Mr. Coleman,” Nicole said quietly.

“Please! Call me Andy!” He started up the stairs when I saw something move in Nicole’s bag.

“What is that?” I asked, pointing to the bag.

It’s the real you, trying to escape.

Nicole put her finger over her lips as if to quiet down.


“Here we are! First down on the right is the bathroom, and the one at the end is mine and my wife’s room. The one on the left is yours.”

“Thank you, Andy,” I said with a smile. Nicole smiled too.

“I’ll be downstairs if you need me. I’ll call you down the hall to the dining room at six. My wife is quite the lovely cook! Oh! And before I forget! Nicole, dear, your lessons begin tomorrow morning at nine, sharp! Best to be on time, you know, and they will end at noon. And Malorn, my boy, your mother informed me that you wished to volunteer to bring Nicole back and forth as well as helping me in my office. Work will begin at ten, but I’ll only make you work for a few hours. See you in an hour!” And he scurried off in a rush.

I closed the door behind us.

“I didn’t know you volunteered to work for him,” Nicole commented.

“Neither did I…” I said with an eye roll. Then I moved toward the bag she left on the bed, but Nicole quickly snatched it away.

“Please don’t kill me,” she said with a guilty grin on her face. I looked her over, though she’s naturally tiny to start with, she was still thin as bones from her…time away. How could I? Though, I know it’s not what she meant.

Yes, yes, you could never kill her, nothing is new, but could you please kill me? This story is torture.

“What is it…?” She opened the pullstring slowly, and, as I guess, out flew Sir Chester, her baby dragon. “You’re insane,” I added, dully.

“I couldn’t leave him home! He’s just a baby!” she said, petting his blue head as he fluttered his red wings, smiling.

“Fine!” I said, throwing my hands in the air. “But if you get caught, I’m not taking the blame for you!”

“I don’t care. As long as he’s safe with me.”

But he’s not safe with you. You’re the target. He’s in danger while he’s with you. He would be safer at home, dillweed.

“I’ve got news for you, he’s probably in more danger with us than with your other pets at home.”

See? Listen to the boy!

“I still want to take care of him. And now that you know he’s here, I don’t have to carry him on my back. And he’s not mischievous. I’ve got plenty of snacks to last him for months anyway.”

But if Sir Chester requires your care, then what about your other pets? And it doesn’t matter if he’s not mischievous or if you don’t have to carry him anymore, he’s still in danger.

“Alright…” I said. I threw my bag in the bottom of the closet, waves my wand over it and all my equipment and clothes folded and stacked themselves neatly on the shelves. I turned around, and watched as Nicole stared at the bed.

Then it hit me.

The bed.

Oh God please no

It was a double.

There was only one.

My face turned red, and to cover it up, I grabbed Nicole’s bag, throwing it onto the dresser and did the same trick to arrange her stuff. When I turned around, she must have stopped staring because she was petting Chester. I wiped my forehead.

I walked over to the window and saw the city streets with shops and apartments all around us. In the distance, I saw green…a park.

“Hey Nicole,” I said, pointing out the window. “You see that over there?”

Nicole walked over and looked out the window, smiling. “The park?”

“Yeah… Would you join me for a date tonight?”

“I’d love to!”

Our first date to a city park…


*One hour later*

I was still praying that there wouldn’t be a sex scene between a 13-year-old and a 15-year-old.

Nicole and I sat across from Andrew and his wife, Malinda as we ate dinner. We had mashed potatoes with bread and chicken soup.

“It’s delicious,” I said, going for another mouth-full. Nicole smacked my arm under the table. I ate slower.

Malinda and Andrew laughed at that. “Well aren’t you two the sweetest couple,” she said. Nicole and I blushed.

And of course, I heard a small whimper coming from down the hall, followed by the sound of flapping wings. Nicole and I shared a glance.

Why of course?

“What was that, darling?” Malinda asked Andrew. He shrugged, with mouth full of soup.

And then Chester comes flying into the room and perches on Nicole’s shoulder. Her eyes widened and she shrugged. “Haha…surprise?”

“Oh, don’t be silly! Your pet dragon is more than welcome! Here, have some bread.” He held it out to Chester, which was immediately followed by the dragon making toast out of it, and eating it whole.

“Quite an amusing little fellow, isn’t he?” he said, dusting off leftover crumbs.

“Indeed,” I said with an eye roll. Nicole shrugged with a smirk.

*Two hours later*

Nicole and I walked to the park, late at night. By this time on a weeknight, most people were at home, but we decided to spend it together.

It was quiet, other than the late-night creatures roaming the woods: various pixies, piggles, and firecats. You could hear the occasion howl of the hellhound in the distance, but it was all very relaxed. The pathway was lit by streetlamps and the stars shown bright overhead.

All of those are either pets, spells, or both. You won’t just be running through Marleybone and see a Stray Piggle fly by. The closest thing to wild animals in Marleybone is the Stray Sunbirds, and those are hostile.

Nicole was amazing at how beautiful a magical park was as opposed to the ones she knew from Earth. I slowly touched her hand, and when she smiled at me, I held hers in mine. We walked around for a few minutes, as she stared at the magical creatures and I stared at her. Every so often I’d squeeze her hand gently and smile at her or kiss her hand. She smiled or giggled at everything I did.

We walked in comfortable silence. And somehow, I felt… at peace… whole, with her around. I felt as if I could fly, (unmagically) with her. And I just felt…calm.

I didn’t feel the anger or pain. I didn’t feel some weird, ultra-power that I was supposed to have. Nicole just lets me be…me… But a newer, happier me.







I stopped walking and she stopped too. I turned to her and just leaned my forehead on hers with our eyes closed. Then we stared at each other for a long moment…

Nicole closed the space between us with a kiss.

A slow, out of this world, amazing kiss.

*Later that night*

Nicole and I got back to the house late, so we just teleported to the bedroom. I took off my hat, robes and shoes and turned to get in the bed in red boxers. Nicole was just taking out new clothes.

…What are you planning? Even if I normally slept naked I would wear pyjamas if I was sharing a bed with someone I wasn’t very—and I mean very—romantically close with.

“What’s that for?” I asked.

She shrugged. Then it clicked. She’s nervous.

“Oh… Sorry,” I said, rubbing the back of my head.

“No, no, it’s okay!” she said, blushing. “I’ll get changed and be right back.”

A few minutes later, she came back in the room. I sat up in bed. She wore my old black t-shirt and some blue shorts. She, as usual, looked pretty sexy… But hey, the less clothes, the better.


I patted the bed next to me. Her eyes widened, but she slowly came over. She pulled the blanket over her legs and sat up. I put my arm around her shoulders…she was practically shaking.

“Hey, no need to be nervous,” I said. She wouldn’t look at me. “Are you scared?” She turned away.

I took my hand and gently touched her chin, guiding her to face me. “I will never hurt you. I promise you that. Nor will I ever let any harm come to you. Do you understand me?” She smiled and nodded.

“I’m sorry… It’s just… I didn’t expect…”

“To be honest, neither did I. And I wasn’t planning on trying anything, any time soon.


When you’re older maybe,” I stopped when I said that because I could swear I saw a trace of disappointment. My heart leapt. “Or when you’re ready,” I added with a sincere smile.


She smiled back. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” She wrapped her hands around my neck and kissed me slowly and softly, gripping my hair. I felt hot under the covers, probably just from the fact that I was with Nicole.

In a bed.

Then I pulled back and smiled at her. I kissed her forehead, and she smiled. Both of us went under the blanket to lay down. But surprisingly, she curled up next to me, and laid her head on my chest. I put my arm around her and closed my eyes…


Continue reading.
